The Mount Surprise project covers a large area approximately 165km from the city of Cairns, Queensland and 57 km northeast of the town of Mt Surprise. The geology of the area is characterised by the Silurianaged Blackman Gap Complex, a medium to coarse-grained biotite-muscovite granodiorite and granite and pegmatite. The granite is overlain by various Carboniferous-aged volcanics including the Double Barrel andesite and tuff as well as the Gingerella rhyolites and ignimbrites.
Previous assays and field work undertaken on the tenure, although only in its infancy, shows very encouraging signs for the prospectivity of this ground with results of up to 3.5% lithium.
Soil sampling was undertaken by Metalicity at the Copper Cap Prospect when abundant copper mineralisation containing visible azurite and malachite was observed and sampled from a number of historic workings. Significant copper grades (11.15% Cu) and cobalt grades (650ppm) are associated with numerous north-northwest trending veins infilled with abundant silica within gossanous outcrop at surface. Soil sampling was designed to cover the trend of these veins.
The soils were following up high grade rock chips taken late 2022 at the Project over an identified initial 3km strike length. These soil sample assay results strongly indicate an increase to the prospective exploration area for copper, cobalt and base metal mineralisation and have increased the number of priority targets at the Mt Surprise Project and which remains open in all directions. With only a small portion of the entire Mt Surprise Project area investigated there remains significant potential for exploration discovery in the future.